Sunday, May 22, 2011

Haters gonna...hate?

Yes.  It's true.  All I've done for the past couple of months is apologize for my lack of posting.  But, hell.  It is what it is.  And that cliche phrase means that sometimes other business takes precedence.  And for the last 10 weeks that's meant: Marie & Skip coming to Maui for some days.  My last days of work.  My last days (for now...?) on Maui.  San Fransisco for a few days.  Maine for ten or so days, which was surprisingly new and decidedly different than any other Maine experiences to date.  A couple of Portland trips, the latter leading to an evening in Burlington and a suddenly-booked flight to NYC, where i currently sit on a couch at 5:30am and my innerworkings are forcing me to blog right now because I do, actually, enjoy this goofiness.

And...yes.  As far as the internet goes, I've still got it.  Don't believe me?  Scope this!!!!!!!

It looks as though moose is a dog  A dog that looks like a piece of run over shit, but apparently it's a dog all the same.  This person takes pictures of his moose in precarious situations, then posts them to an online photo site.  Moose seems like a pretty cool dude.  Click on "moose on stuff" on the page to see his two page and twelve or so pictures of perfect art.  Well played, sir or madam.  And read the bio.  Moose is a god-damned rock star.


I have the hiccups.  Hiccups are fucking lame.  Carry on.

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