Saturday, August 22, 2009

Crazy Life & Times

Really, not that crazy. My "internet" connection has been on the fritz again since about Tuesday afternoon. So I actually look like a genius for getting all of that shit typed up on Monday & Tuesday to allow all fifteen or 16 of you out there reading to be entertained for the week. It's been a weird week. When I'm away from my house I could care less about the "internet" and staying connected but when I'm home I'm used to it and I'm conditioned to have access to it so I rely on it pretty extensively. Every five minutes or so I think of something I'd like to investigate further like an exact definition, a song lyric, a book title, directions (or the fact I'm 25 and live with my parents so my main means of escape is hiding online..) and I'm unable to. I think "Oh, right." and then just go on living my life.

I try not to get frustrated with the present situation, but of course at times I get frustrated. O well. It looks like I'll be fantasy football drafting from Skip's office at Bates because I no longer have a laptop so I won't be able to just find a wireless hotspot and hunker down for awhile. I know, I know. I'm creative, but I'm certainly not happy about the present situation. I guess that's what they make coolers for, right? So this is a notice that my posts may again be sporatic until we are back online at the homefront. Hopefully this will be resolved by the middle of the week but I'm no expert on the inner workings of Fairpoint Communications, other than they suck at life. I'm over it; I hope each of you can also get over it, too.

Sidenot: I think the hit counter in the right column has been acting up lately and not always logging hits. So I'm pretty sure that while it says I've been visited by a hair over 6000 folks that the real number is a hair over 600,000. Thanks for visiting; you are all the coolest.

In other exciting news I'll be going to see Ms. Potter and the Nocturnals for the second time this summer on September 12th. Bummed I missed them in Brooklyn so I'm super-duper excited I'll be able to redeem myself in a couple of weeks. I hope Kath and her Hamiltonians are also super-duper excited. I won't be there for a long time; I'll be there for a good time. And if you don't like the sound of that then you probably have a big dump in your pants. Cheers (and good day to all..).

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