Monday, September 21, 2009

Another day in fantasy land..

Though this one was (believe it or not..) a bit miserable at times because I was out of bed well before 5am.  Had to get a hike in with the junior Mr. Gallagher and it was suggested we try a trail on the backside (Vermont side, I guess.  Back side from where the Maine-dogs are at..) of Mt. Washington that wasn't too aggressive, in hopes that Liam wouldn't cry.  And as some post times from the previous week have demonstrated I'm having a little trouble in the "getting to bed at 'normal, adult, professional' " hours.  I'm back in college mode and it sucks.  Even last night it was damn near 2am before I fell asleep and I had my last beer at about 8pm when I finished my wonderful supper.  Right now it's 12:45am and I am WIDE ASS awake.  This is after less than 3 hours of sleep.  No good, no good at all.

At any rate blogging has been a little slow this weekend because I acquired a (GASP!) virus on my desktop Saturday evening and it took me about 5 hours to get it flushed down the toilet.  I'll be honest, I was eating at my computer and magically my computer started sucking, so I didn't bother to refill my beer as I got pretty focused on getting that bastard out of my mainframe.  It locked all of my normal startup processes so I had to hack into the mainframe and then do about 68 other things by manually searching for files and registers and a whole bunch of other shit I never wanted to learn about computers and then removing the shitty files one at a time.  Just like Obama overseeing porked legislation with a fine-toothed comb (cough-bullshit-cough. Excuse me.).  I quit around 1:15 Sunday morning and then picked it back up this evening and things seem to be running swimmingly now.  HOOOOORAY, me.  But seriously I hat computers and if this shit happens again an 8lb. sledge will be solving my problems..

Long story short hike was great, got about 10 or 11 miles in round trip so not a bad way to spend a Sabbath.  I may post pictures, I may not.  Washington really doesn't impress me much.  I hate people.  And there are a lot of people on top with its auto road and cog railway cars rolling up all the time.  Great chili on top, but I'd prefer seeing less than 15 people over a day walking than to be greeted at the top by Dale Earnhardt and his Marboro red.  And this is from an Earnhardt fan and someone who has no problems with Marb reds...just, meet me at the Cage, not on top of a big hill.  It's more I just don't like people.  Yeah, that's it. 

And speaking of hating people (kind of..) Saw this one afternoon last week when I, well, wasn't working and being a layabout.  Take five and enjoy..
I'll buy this guy a beer if I ever run into him.  He GETS it (sort of.  Haha..).  Cheers.

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